
Desucon 11

Here are some pictures of my art stand last weekend at the Desucon 11 convention. I had such a great time! Thank you to everyone who stopped by my both.


I also got a few cosplayers to model next to it. Here is the beautiful geisha Ester.


And here is my favorite Bobs Burgers cosplayer the Mendori.


I also got the chanse to do some livedrawing again. This time, the audience decided that the drawing was going to be a Game of Thrones gender bent Rave party. So yeah. Ended up with this.


I was also quite excited to be selling my first coloring book at the convention. It sold pretty well, so now I am eagerly awaiting for people to upload some pictures they have colored. There are still a few left which I will put up on my etsy shop next week in case you want one.


Again thank you again to everyone who visited my art stand. This was an awesome weekend!

STEW Magazine

Got my work published in the newest issue of STEW Magazine for curious kids! I just received it in the mail and I’m really happy with how it came out 🙂
I also feel honoured to have my work with such great company. So many beautiful illustrations in this magazine!




The page 2 illustration is my contribution ^^

Competition Time!

Just wanted to let you guys know that I have just launched some competitions on my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

This is the prize for the Twitter competition.


You’ll get a a pack of Nintendo Zombie postcards and two other post cards, loads of stickers a keychain and a few temporary tattoos 🙂

You can find the competition here:

This is the Facebook competition prize.


You’ll get a Dress up Poe paper-doll, a pack of pin-up monster postcards, a keychain, a bunch of stickers and a few temporary tattoos.

You can find the competition here:

And last but not least, here is the prize for the Instagram competition.


You’ll get a Harley Quinn print, a pack of rude postcards, a keychain, some stickers and somer temporary tattoos 🙂

You can find the Instagram competition here:

All of the competitions end on the 25th of April. And you are free to join any and all of them if you want to.



Easter 2016

Seeing how I’m trying to get better at posting here more frequently I thought I might as well tell you guys about my easter ^^

I had my art-stand at the Arthecon convention. Arthecon is a convention about everything Tolkien, and was held at Oslo’s biggest library the Deichmanske library. They had decorated the whole place with Lord of the Rings and Hobbit interior so it looked amazing. I knew most of the other people having art stands there from earlier conventions, so it felt like I was hanging with friends for the whole day. I also really appreciate all the people stopping by my stand. Thank you!

I also think I found my new office chair at that place.

The easter weekend was spent at my mothers cabin. That place is full of old portraits of the royal family, so I got inspired and drew this.

I was also graced by secretary Doris’s company.

And that about sums it up.

Gigacon 2015

Just spent this weekend having an art stand at Gigacon 2015. Gigacon is sort of a Lan-party convention, so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect having an art stand there. But luckily for me, people did leave their computers once in a while to check out what else was going on 🙂

I have never been so sleepy as I was on this convention, but I only have myself to blame for that. I completely miscalculated the amount of time it would take for me to finish one of the poster I wanted to sell, so I ended up pulling two all nighters right before Gigacon started. But luckily I did manage to complete it on time.


Me with panda eyes ^

Thank you to everyone who came by! I really had a great time 🙂

I just realised I haven’t posted my minecraft poster on this blog, so here it is:

Mortal Kombat Selfie

Seeing how I can hardly wait for Mortal Kombat X to come out, I decided to draw something Mortal Kombat related. I don’t know why, but I ended up drawing all the male ninjas taking a selfie…

And then Ed Boon, the creator of Mortal Kombat re-tweeted it!!!

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So this is gonna be me the rest of the day

Robots VS Monsters underwater

If you have liked my page on facebook, or follow me on twitter, you are probably aware that I have just been a part of the Drawn Chorus Collective exhibition in London. So I guess that is pretty much what this post will be about 🙂 The name of the Exhibition was AHOY! A nautical illustrative imagining of mysteries and tales of the sea.


Me and my friend Hector setting up the window display for the show.

For this show, I was inspired by the crappy horror movies that I love so much, and decided to draw my very own set of VS posters. I had a lot of fun naming them, which I am sure the people who make these sorts of movies do as well :p

Super RoboUppercut VS Ultimate Killzilla

Ultra BoomPowBot VS Giga Sharkinator

Killer Bionic Botswarm VS Mega Megaconda

Lord Lazer Cyborg VS Über Tentacle Menace

I got a little carried away when drawing the details in the robots, adding all sort of stuff. I have even drawn a little TV screen showing King Kong running on TCM on the Super RoboUppercut VS Ultimate Killzilla one. I did add a few other small homages to different popular culture, but you will have to find those for yourself :p

And here is a picture of me with my illustrations on the wall.

The Espacio gallery (where the show was held) was nice enough to make a video from the opening night which you can view here:

I am really happy with how the show went! I got to see a lot of great work from the rest of the Drawn Chorus Collective, met a lot of new great people, and even got to say hi to one of the readers of this blog 🙂


Seeing how I still have a few things left after Desucon last weekend, I thought it would be fun to put on a competition 🙂

All you have to do is like my page Fredrik Eden Illustration on Facebook, and share the competition post on there.

The prize is a Wizard of Oz Zombie poster, a pack of rude postcards, a Zombie Donald key-chain, 5 Zombie Nintendo stickers, and a few temporary tattoos.

A winner will be drawn on the 31st of July.

Good luck! And may the odds be ever in your favor!

Desucon 9

As you might know, I have been busy this whole weekend having my own stand at Desucon 9. And I am really happy with how it went! I met a lot of great people, got to see a lot of amazing stuff and managed to sell some of my work 🙂

This is pretty much where you would find me all weekend.


Eventhough I was accused of destroying peoples childhood with my zombie art, most seemed to really like it.

Here are some of the buttons (as well as one of the posters :p) I sold being used.

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The Frankissula button was bought by these awesome people 🙂

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And I also got to see how my tattoo designs would work as a sleeve. Might just have to try that out on myself one day.


Easter Story by me as an 8-9 year old

I went through my old stuff a few weeks back, and among all of the toys and clothes, I found loads and loads of drawings I had made as a kid. Seeing how I started to get tired of tidying, I decided to look through them. I stumbled upon a bunch of short stories I had made as an 8-9 year old. One of these stories was named “Easter”. So after having come to terms with me being quite special as a kid, I have decided to share this short story with you guys 🙂

EASTER by Fredrik Edén 8 or 9 years old, comments by Fredrik Edén 26 years old.påske 1As I looked on the cover I thought, this doesn’t look to bad. And I’m pretty impressed with the Easter Lily I drew 🙂

P.1påske 2Looks pretty good so far. And I guess I have always drawn ladies in high heels…

P.2påske 3Oh…

P.3 “Police”(Misspelled) and it says “body” on the bag.påske 4Completely normal for an 8-9 year old to draw this right?

P.4 “Happy Easter”påske 5Nothing says Easter like a sexy red dress and a flower bra.

P.5påske 6Pretty impressed with how well I drew those cracks 🙂

P.6 “Aw! So cute!”påske 7I agree. Pretty cute.

P.7påske 8Rambo chicken? Might make an awesome tattoo.

P.8påske 9I guess I really enjoyed drawing dead people…

P.9påske 10And the chicken is also a pyromaniac. Should have seen that coming.

P.10påske 11How could my parents let me play with other kids?

P.11påske 12Honestly, they never had me checked for anything more serious than ADD.

P.12 “BOOM!”påske 13Cant stop laughing at this!

P.13påske 14Pretty sure I spent at least 3 hours on drawing this one.

P.14 “ZZZ”påske 15Quite good at drawing sleeping chickens.

P.15påske 16Seriously, this is what you see kids draw in horror films…

P.16 “1 hour later”påske 17My handwriting is still pretty much the same…

P.17 “ZZZZZ”påske 18The chicken killer is sleeping next to his wife.

P.18 “Happy Easter”påske 19And the bunny from the start is back to tie the whole story together. I am slightly impressed 🙂

So… Comparing this to my Easter post last year “Easter 2013 post”, I guess I haven’t changed that much :p I hope you enjoyed this, and let me know if you have any drawings like this from when you were a kid. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one….?

PS. I am actually a really happy person.