Month: July 2013

Acrobatic Clown Goons

I made these guys to be part of the window display for the upcoming show The Greatest Show on Earth!

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A bunch of unhappy acrobatic clown goons 🙂

I’m not a big fan of clowns in real life. Not that I’m scared of them, but I just find them trying to hard to be funny… The whole thing where they do something “funny” and then just intensely stare at you until you laugh is very awkward to me. I usually just turn and walk away when that happens. Not that it happens to often :p

They are fun to draw though.

Shake that bear!

Some of you might remember the nipple rubbing barbarian I drew a little while ago for the awesome band Barbarian Fist. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you can find the post HERE.

They wanted me to make a T-shirt design for them in Black and White. And this is what I ended up with.

So I guess when this barbarian is not rubbing his nipples, he enjoys spending his time riding bears while ripping their heads off 🙂

 photo barianfist_zps777749c2.jpg

PS: Eventhough it might not seem like it based on a few of my posts, I really do love animals.

Especially dead ones.


Just joking :p Animals are awesome.